These options configure locale-related texts.
If your site is served in a different language besides English, you should set these options per locale to provide translations.
Please refer to Official Documentation for detailed i18n config.
Options | Type | Default | Description |
categoriesText | string | Categories | categories |
tagsText | string | Tags | tags |
catalogTitle | string | ON THIS PAGE | The title of the table of contents on the right of the article |
selectLanguageName | string | ${lang} | Language name of Locale |
editLinkText | string | Edit this page | Edit the text of the link on this pag |
lastUpdatedText | string | Last Updated | The text of the recently updated timestamp label |
tip | string | TIP | Customize the title of the tip container |
info | string | INFO | Customize the title of the info container |
warning | string | WARNING | Customize the title of the warning container |
danger | string | DANGER | Customize the title of the danger container |
details | string | DETAILS | Customize the title of the details container |
notFound | string | Oops! Page does not exist. | 404 page text |
backToHome | string | Back To Home | 404 page returns to the home page |
inputPasswordText | string | Please enter the password | Password entry prompt |
unlockSucessText | string | Success, enjoy it! | Prompt for successful password entry |
unlockFailuerText | string | Failed, please enter again! | Password entry error prompt |
// .vuepress/config.ts
import { defineUserConfig } from 'vuepress'
import { recoTheme } from 'vuepress-theme-reco'
export default defineUserConfig({
theme: recoTheme({
tip: 'Tip',
info: 'Info',
tagsText: 'Tags',
danger: 'Danger',
warning: 'Warning',
details: 'Details',
backToHome: 'Back To Home',
categoriesText: 'Categories',
catalogTitle: 'On This Page',
selectLanguageName: 'English',
editLinkText: 'Edit this page',
lastUpdatedText: 'Last Updated',
notFound: 'Oops! Page does not exist.',
inputPasswordText: 'Please enter the password',
unlockSucessText: 'Success, enjoy it!',
unlockFailuerText: 'Failed, please enter again!'