
reco_luan2022-02-05 22:17:55


The content of the announcement is displayed in the upper right corner of the page in the form of a pop-up window. The display and hiding of the announcement depends on the variables in sessionStorage, so every time the website is opened, the announcement pop-up window will be displayed.



  • description: Announcement width, unit px
  • default:300


  • description: Announcement title
  • default:公告


  • description: Announcement content
  • type: { type: 'text' | 'hr' | 'title' | 'buttongroup', content?: string, children?: Array<{ text: string, link: string }> }
  • type description:
    titleTitle, need to configure the content property
    textText, need to configure the content property
    hrBreak line, similar to the hr tag, this type does not need to configure other properties
    buttongroupButton group, only this type needs to configure children
  • Case: Take the theme official website as an example
  • // .vuepress/config.ts
    import { defineUserConfig } from 'vuepress'
    import { recoTheme } from 'vuepress-theme-reco'
    export default defineUserConfig({
      theme: recoTheme({
        bulletin: {
          body: [
              type: 'text',
              content: `🎉🎉🎉 The reco theme 2.x has been released in RC version, and there will be no major updates until the latest version is released.
              Everyone can enjoy the early adopters, and I hope you will actively feedback the experience in the QQ group and GitHub, and I will respond as soon as possible.`,
              style: 'font-size: 12px;'
            { type: 'hr' },
            { type: 'title', content: 'QQ 群' },
              type: 'text',
              content: `
              style: 'font-size: 12px;'
            { type: 'hr' },
            { type: 'title', content: 'GitHub' },
              type: 'text',
              content: `
                <li><a href="">Issues<a/></li>
                <li><a href="">Discussions<a/></li>
              style: 'font-size: 12px;'
            { type: 'hr', },
              type: 'buttongroup',
              children: [
                { text: 'donate', link: '/docs/others/donate.html' }
Last Updated 3/1/2025, 5:26:22 AM