
reco_luan2021-11-06 23:41:31


The theme built-in comment plugin @vuepress-reco/vuepress-plugin-comments, currently supports Valine, Walin, Giscus;

If you want to not load comments by default, but only display comments on certain pages, you can set hideComments: true in valineConfig, and set hideComments: false on pages that need to display comments.

If it is only a certain article that you don't want to enable comments, you can set hideComments: true in front-matter.

Option API


// .vuepress/config.ts

import { defineUserConfig } from 'vuepress'
import { recoTheme } from 'vuepress-theme-reco'

export default defineUserConfig({
  theme: recoTheme({
    commentConfig: {
      type: 'valine',
      options: {
        appId: '...', // your appId
        appKey: '...', // your appKey
        hideComments: true, // hide comments globally, default false

For other parameters, please refer to Valine official websiteopen in new window.


If valine's interface for getting comments reports a 404 error, don't worry, this is because you haven't added a comment, as long as there is 1 comment, no error will be reported, this is just the request processing operation of leanCloud;


// .vuepress/config.ts

import { defineUserConfig } from 'vuepress'
import { recoTheme } from 'vuepress-theme-reco'

export default defineUserConfig({
  theme: recoTheme({
    commentConfig: {
      type: 'waline',
      options: {
        serverURL: 'your serverURL',
        hideComments: true, // hide comments globally, default false

Refer to Waline official websiteopen in new window for the tutorial and other parameters of options.


// .vuepress/config.ts

import { defineUserConfig } from 'vuepress'
import { recoTheme } from 'vuepress-theme-reco'

export default defineUserConfig({
  theme: recoTheme({
    commentConfig: {
      type: 'giscus',
      options: {
        repo: 'reco/blog-comments',
        repoId: 'R_kgDOxxxxxx',
        category: 'Announcements',
        categoryId: 'xxxxx',
        mapping: 'title',
        hideComments: true, // hide comments globally, default false

Refer to Giscusopen in new window for the tutorial and other parameters of options.


Giscus uses an iframe referring to, which requires to load css files from your own website. This causes an cross origin problem. You needn't to handle it when you are using development server, but when you are deploying the project, it is necessary to configure headers Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Headers, otherwise a style problem will occur.

Last Updated 1/18/2025, 4:47:08 PM