Build-in Page



The theme has built-in pages that are independent pages with specific functions, that can be used to enrich the functionality of the site, such as placing the page entry on navabr.

If want to register pages,please refer to here

Blog List Page

  • route: /posts.html
  • description: A separate blog list page, that provides documentation stations with the ability to interact with users through blogs.
  • example: image

Timeline Page

  • route: /timeline.html
  • description: The timeline of the blog, which can be used as an archive page.
  • example: image

Friendship Link

  • route: /friendship-link.html
  • description: friendship link
  • example: image
  • config:
    import { defineUserConfig } from 'vuepress'
    import { recoTheme } from 'vuepress-theme-reco'
    export default defineUserConfig({
      theme: recoTheme({
        friendshipLinks: [
            title: 'vuepress-recovuepress-recovuepress-recovuepress-reco',
            logo: '',
            link: ''
Last Updated 3/24/2025, 4:48:43 PM